I have just added the ability for folks to subscribe to my blogs via Feedburner.
So I am asking all who are currently receiving updates to PLEASE go to the blog page itself and subscribe using the "Subscribe Via Email" option at the top of the screen.
Once you have subscribed, LET ME KNOW with a message directly to me and I will pull your email from the Yahoo Groups Distribution List...that way you won't get multiple emails from every post!
In a few weeks I plan on discontinuing use of the Yahoo Group completely so if you have any interest in continuing to be notified of new posts, please take a moment to use the new Feedburner tool.

As always your comments & continued support are much appreciated!!


Courtney: Red Dot 4208

My Favorite of Courtney so far...

I just learned about this site yesterday (Thanks Jessie!) and gave it a whirl...
As with most things, the free version is limited in many ways...in this case, they only allow the creation of 30 Sec video's, in low resolution...but what the heck! Free is Free and this is pretty cool!
Let me know what you think...Oh, and PLEASE leave your comments ON THE BLOG...
Don't just "reply" to the email. I REALLY do want to start building the blog up more and the only way to do that is with comments for new folks to read...


MardiGra Ninja

As the Sunset began on Sat July 4th 2009 I found her waiting for her next victim...

Patrice's Pet 6617 sm

Geordi Topless 6899 sm

This photo shoot was the brainchild of Patrice when she said: "Most of my fan base are Sci-Fi Geeks. I should do something geared toward them..." and I said: "I know someone who built a Transporter Console..." And the rest, as they say, is history!